About Us

EGiS Technologies will manage, monitor, and protect your IT infrastructure to ensure your company can benefit from higher productivity and less network downtime.

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EGiS is a derivative of the Greek word Aegis. It means “under the protection of,” and is the name given to Zeus’s breastplate. For us, it defines the services we provide our clients — Manage, Monitor, and Protect.

Located in Omaha, Nebraska, the EGiS Technologies head office and secure data center serve as our base of operations. We use our extensive IT experience to deliver enterprise technology services to your business at an affordable price.

Our Focus


We provide complete IT Outsourcing services for your business, including CIO level support along with the day to day managing, monitoring, and protecting of your network. In other words, we manage your IT infrastructure so you can grow your business.


EGiS is constantly monitoring the health and availability of your business’s critical systems. Our client's technology is what drives their business, so we want to ensure that their systems are available and reliable. We continually monitor our clients systems for vulnerabilities and risks.


We provide Seven Layers of Security to our client's networks. Our cybersecurity team starts with crafting your e-security policies and ends with vulnerability testing of your defenses. The middle layers include multi-factor authentication, encryption, off site data storage, and much more.